Web Design & Online Marketing That Works

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Do You Need a New Website?

We can build you a high converting website ready to launch in 4 weeks or less

Choosing a Web Designer Is One Of The Most Important Business Decisions You Will Ever Make!

Did you know your business can literally succeed or fail because of your website & online marketing strategy?

Your website’s importance to your business cannot be overstated; at least if you want your business to thrive.

Your website is one of your most important marketing tools, but it’s not just any old tool, It’s a powerful multi-tool! It serves many different purposes and all of them can help increase your success & profitability.

An effective website:

  • Is a 24/7 marketing assistant.
  • Enables you to get found easily in search engines like Google.
  • Educates your visitors and answers their questions.
  • Builds trust and credibility and connects with your target market.
  • Captures leads for you to follow-up with.
  • Turns visitors into customers consistently.

But it only does all those things well if it has been set up correctly.

And that’s what we can do for you!

Unfortunately, that’s not what a lot of other web designers do. And that’s why it’s important to choose your web designer carefully. Many web designers do not understand powerful online marketing strategies which is ultimately what will make your business successful.

At the end of the day, most people don’t care about how beautiful your website looks or how many bells and whistles it has. They just want to know that you’re the right person/business to solve their problem and that they can trust you. Good communication is ultimately more important than good design.

Why Lions Roar Media is different

We’re not just web designers, we’re also online marketing specialists. Our goal is not just to create you a pretty looking website, but to make sure your business becomes a roaring success by building you a website that consistently converts visitors into paying customers. 

Launch Your Business With Confidence


How We Make Your Website A Success

Great Design & User Experience

We believe great design is vital for your credibility.

Web design accounts for an overwhelming 94% of how first impressions are formed on the web, and according to web credibility research from Stanford University, 75% of users admit to making judgments about a company’s credibility based on their website’s design.

Conversion Focussed Sales Copy

Words are ultimately the most important part of any website.

Conversion focused sales copy moves audiences and gets them to take action. It turns visitors into leads, leads into customers, and customers into fans. Therefore, strong conversion-oriented writing is crucial for successful online marketing.

Establish Your Credibility & Expertise

We’ll make sure your website firmly establishes your credibility and earns trust.

This can involve displaying credible testimonials, reviews, work portfolio, media stories and anything else that demonstrates social proof and/or your expertise.

Mobile Friendly

At least 70% of your visitors could be looking at your website on a mobile device.

We build all our websites in WordPress using a responsive theme that ensures your website will look great on all types of devices.


Collect Email Leads

We will work with you to create compelling reasons for people to give you their email so that you can follow up with them long after they’ve left your website.

Up to 90% of people visiting your website are in research mode and not ready to contact you immediately. However, the odds of them returning are sometimes low.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

We always optimize our websites for high search rankings.

Did you know that 75% of users never click past the first page of Google search results? In fact most don’t look past the top 5. If you’re not ranking on the first page of Google for your most important keyword phrases then this is one of the first things we’ll look to address.

Content Marketing

We can help you create a content marketing strategy.

Content marketing is a great way to increase your authority, your reach, and number of leads.

It is an often under-utilised  strategy, but will often produce 3 times the number of leads as paid search. And small businesses that blog typically get 126% higher lead growth than those that don’t.

Optimized For Speed

We always feel the need for speed! We’ll ensure your website loads as fast as we can possibly make it.

40% of people will abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. And conversion rates typically fall by 7% for every extra second that it takes your website to load.

You can’t afford to cut corners on your website

It’s true, you can go to places like UpWork.com or Fiverr.com and find people who will build you a website for a few hundred dollars or less. However, the true cost of doing that could be well into the tens of thousands of dollars (or even millions) when you factor in all the lost business. Cheap web designers are simply not going to have the know-how to create a high-converting website and you will almost certainly lose more customers than you gain in the long-run.

At Lions Roar Media we make high-converting websites that are designed to turn visitors into customers.  Contact us today for a quote and let’s see if we’re a good fit.